Flora and I have just returned to the Dallas area for a well deserved break from the road, after nine days. We covered Dallas, Burleson, Plano, Tyler, Abilene, Midland, Lubbock, Amarillo and today Denton. We are pooped!
Next stop is Houston on the 20th and then 6 more Texas cities before we hit San Angelo for the last signing and then the picnic.
Since leaving Dallas we have been thrilled to have so many people who were touched by events at the YFZ stop in to see us and visit. We have visited one group children's home/ranch, to visit with the staff.
Foster parents who cared for the YFZ children, Texas Rangers, CASA volunteers, Shelter staff and CPS staff have all come in to see us. They are all very deeply concerned about the evidence of abuses they had each witnessed in the children, and still do not understand the state's decision to return the children.
Some of these stories have been, quite literally, heartbreaking. One foster family, which took in 12 of the children, said 10 of the 12 were bed wetters and three of the boys were unable to control their bowels through a whole night...an almost certain indication of damage to their rectums.
One 13 year old girl, they were still uncertain if she is already a mother, because they could not locate a child for her, but there is medical evidence she's had one.
And get this, a five year old boy given a full body scan, revealed a total of 19 different bone breaks on that baby's body.
Notice the foster family only thought 2 of the children ages 4-13 might NOT have been sexually molested yet?
Now why in the HELL should Texas give those children back to perpetrators like THAT?
We're mad as hell and we aren't going to take this down here.
That's not what anyone I know wants for Texas children.
Can you please identify your state representatives, and contact them, personally, about this issue? And also call Harvey Hildebran's office to voice strong support for the AAAP's efforts to protect Texas women and children from polygamy?
We will also be posting an online petition, calling Texas citizens to add their names to the list of people who are gravely concerned about the protection of the human, civil and natural born rights to freedom, guaranteed by the constitution, to Texas and U.S. citizens, including its children.
We have every reason to believe that representatives from the Federal government personally threatened employees of Texas CPS, Shelter Workers, and Hot line personnel. We know CPS and shelter workers were confronted by FBI Special Agents, John W. Broadway, and Rick Fagan, and told to shut up and quit talking to the Texas Rangers about anything the children said.
Since when is it appropriate for the feds to come down here to Texas and tell us WE have no RIGHT to protect Texas children?
Why has it NOT been made known to the Texas people that virtually 100% of the population on that ranch were still receiving welfare benefits from Arizona and Utah? AND, that those states have NO plans to prosecute these people for fraud.
Of course if you won't prosecute people for abandoning their children on the sides of the roads up there, by the HUNDREDS, why would you prosecute them for defrauding the taxpayers either?
Better yet, since not one prosecution is planned, perhaps Arizona and Utah were simply funding the FLDS's relocation to Texas for them to begin with.
Since both states seem to have such an excess of money that they can afford to be funding the expansion of a criminal organization to our state, perhaps they should foot the bill for our raid to try to protect Texas citizens from it.
Every entity that truly tried to protect these children has been threatened, shut up, and shut down. The Texas Rangers and local Texas CPS and Shelter staff tried like Hell, only to have Austin step in, throw them under the bus and then throw the children under the bus too.
Things that make you go....Hmmmmm.