Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The Sound of Silence
Do you hear that? It is the sound of silence. It is a deafening silence. It is the sound of corruption in Mohave County, Arizona. Here is a link to the only story published online about the outcome of a three year old case involving the misuse of public funds by officials in Colorado City, Arizona, all members of the FLDS. The only coverage was in the San Angelo Standard Times this week. You see, no one in Mohave County or in Utah cares. Nobody else cares about the corruption up there.
Here is a link to the blog post I made months after the crimes were revealed to the public in 2010. It includes a list of items bought using the fire district funds. Please look at it. It includes items like diapers, chocolate, hams and bedding. Yet there is no kitchen and no sleeping quarters in the volunteer fire department. I assume there are no babies there either. Tax preparation software is on the list but fire districts don't pay taxes, they collect them!
Where are the feds? How can these men continue to get away with this? Let me ask a simple question of anyone reading this right now: If your city manager or other public official stole tens of thousands of dollars from the funds designated for the operation of your city's fire department, do you really believe the investigation would last three years and result in dropping the charges from felony to misdemeanors and probation for the culprit?
I said three years ago that they would drag this out for a long time and nothing would ever come of it, not because there was no crime but because the prosecutors and the judges in Mohave County are corrupt to the polygamists.
I still hear nothing but crickets, how about you?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Give a Hill of Beans
Arizona Child Protective Service Hotline : 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)
Utah Division of Child and Family Services: 1-855-323-3237
Utah Division of Child and Family Services: 1-855-323-3237
My friend Flora spoke yesterday at a meeting of the Lake Havasu Republican Women's group about Arizona House Bill 2648, and why it is so desperately needed, especially in its original form. I'm going to save that topic for another post and concentrate today on some other information that she has just shared about the children still trapped in the FLDS. You can find a write up on her appearance here.
As most of the readers of this blog know by now, convicted child rapist Warren Steed Jeffs has had all the children of the FLDS faithful on a beans and water only diet for months now.
Many people keep asking me "why?" the best answer I have for anyone is that Warren Steed Jeffs is a sadistic sociopath with a deviant sexual attraction to children, who simply enjoys making them suffer. After all, this is a man who has made every concerted effort to model himself after the cartoon character from "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." He has banned the color red anywhere, forbidden the celebration of Christmas, closed the community zoo, ordered every pet dog and cat his community rounded up and slaughtered in a pit, forbidden the FLDS children from having any toy or bike, and ordered them all to quit going to school and concentrate on working for him, all day every day. They are ostensibly homeschooled. I think he also very much enjoys the idea that he can manipulate other men who follow him into his own perversions.
If the beans and water only diet, twice a day, weren't enough to make you concerned for the little ones of the FLDS, maybe you can give a hill of beans about what is happening to them, when you read this next bit of information from inside.
It seems when Warren ordered all the loyal members in good standing of the FLDS to stop having any marital relations, at the same time, he ordered all the fathers of the FLDS to start supervising their children's bath times, alone.
As sick as it may sound, last year when Warren ordered his members to stop all marital relations, and forbade men and their "wives" from any physical contact except for handshakes lasting no longer than 3 seconds, one of the first thoughts Flora and I both had was, 'Oh G-d, the children will now be the target of all those men's sexual urges, since boys and prepubescent girls do not get pregnant.' What more could Warren want than to do everything in his power to make sure the FLDS men follow his own perversions? What more validation could he want?
Before anyone says, 'I know plenty of normal daddies who bathe their children who aren't perverts...' Me too! But this is polygamy, and since this is FLDS polygamy, it's polygamy on steroids. Never mind all this talk of blended families here in the outside world, this is the FLDS world, where men are routinely kicked out of the FLDS, excommunicated and every woman they had called their "wife" is then reassigned to another man, along with all her children.
In the FLDS world, the bishop can knock on your door in the middle of the night, inform you that the prophet has had a revelation that you are unworthy and no longer hold the priesthood, and order you to leave everything you own and get out of town, immediately. The women are then told they will be 'given' to new husbands who are worthy and do still hold the priesthood. In the FLDS world, 5 women with 12-20 children could be moving into a new house, with a new "husband and father" overnight. These children are now told that G-d has changed their DNA to match their new father's. Now you have a "daddy" who is bathing 12-20 children every night that he is unrelated to. Tell me, would you be comfortable with this plan for your own children?
I had a message from a fellow activist in my inbox when I came home from dinner last night. It read:
"Please call the Salt Lake or St. George DFS and Arizona [Mohave County], and tell them you know from reliable sources. Ask them what is and can be done about the FLDS children that Warren has mandated to eat only beans and water for breakfast and dinner without any lunch. They'll ask you for names and addresses so they can investigate. Tell them in your own words, that even though you don't have those specifics, you are sure it has been and is still going on. I've had two women who have left tell us that it is true. The children are still being moved and re-located so often that it's near impossible to know who and where they are any more, but someone has to protect these kids from this abuse.
Warren has definitely dictated this daily diet and order, and many have said it is true, not just hear-say."
Warren has definitely dictated this daily diet and order, and many have said it is true, not just hear-say."
Can you make a couple of calls today? Can you ask child welfare authorities in Arizona and Utah what they are going to do about the nutritional deprivation of these FLDS children? Can you at least make them a little uncomfortable after 100 years of ignoring the suffering of these children? If they ask you who you are, you might try telling them, "I'm someone who gives a hill of beans!"
Arizona Child Protective Service Hotline :
1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)
Utah Division of Child and Family Services: 1-855-323-3237
1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)
Utah Division of Child and Family Services: 1-855-323-3237
Monday, March 11, 2013
How to Abuse Children from Prison
The spiritual abuse of children in the FLDS continues. They are blamed for Warren Jeffs' sins! They are told that they aren't "Keeping Sweet," or praying enough, or being righteous enough while this monster sociopath abuses them with a beans and water only diet, right from his prison cell here in Texas!
Like any two-bit organized crime boss, Jeffs is still pulling all the strings of the members of the FLDS in Arizona and Utah. The only grocery store in the town has been shut down, and all the FLDS members deemed worthy enough to be a part of the New United Order, are given an approved shopping list to go by when they go to St. George to buy their groceries. These are then brought back to The Crick and turned over to the community's storehouse, and each family is in turn given back what the leadership decides they need. Most families have gardens to supplement their food supplies but I imagine the pickings are slime this time of year. So if the leadership isn't giving them enough flour, meat fruits or vegetables to feed a family, but instead a supply of dried beans to feed their children, I'm not even sure how a mother with a conscience could cheat the system.
The day Ruby Jessop's children were rescued from Colorado City, there were cars wrapped around the storehouse for blocks. It was Warren's brother, Lyle Jeffs' birthday, and they were holding "A Smile With Lyle Day," at the storehouse. Each car was slowly pulling up to greet Lyle, get a smile from him, and a treat. The treat consisted of two marshmallows and an apple slice on a plate, for each car. I suppose if I were living on a rationed diet I might have been really excited to wait in line for a chance at a bite of apple or marshmallow, too. I know while I was on the Bean Fast last week that could have excited me. Imagine being in that line with a car load of kids and deciding who gets a bite!
If anyone wonders why I call the FLDS an organized crime family, help yourself to the facts here in Texas- Here:
And here's a taste of what you'll find in Texas' latest case against the FLDS organized crime family, including the practice of Bigamy, which is Texas' anti-polygamy statute...
Affiant will establish in said affidavit that Affiant has learned and believes that the violations of the Texas Penal Code have occurred at Suspected Place described in Section II above, namely violations of the following:1.
Texas Penal Code, Section 22.02, Aggravated Sexual Assault – first degree felony.2.
Texas Penal Code, Section 22.011, Sexual Assault – first and second degree felonies.3.
Texas Penal Code, Section 25.01(a) (1), Bigamy, (e) (2) – first degree felony, if the person is 16 years of age or younger at the time.4.
Texas Penal Code, Section 25.01(a) (1), Bigamy, (e) (1) – second degree felony, if the person is 17 years of age at thetime.5.
Texas Penal Code, Section 34.01, Money Laundering – first degree felony, if the value of the funds is $200,000 or more.6.
Texas Penal Code, Section 71 (a) (1), Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity – first degree felony.
So what is Texas going to do about the FLDS running a criminal operation in our state?
We're taking your ranch, Warren, the whole enchilada. Y'know, like when we seize the property of drug dealers?
For a look at what the citizens of the State of Texas are about to own you can click here.
We're taking your ranch, Warren, the whole enchilada. Y'know, like when we seize the property of drug dealers?
For a look at what the citizens of the State of Texas are about to own you can click here.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Bean Fast Day 7
Don't miss today's big question at the end of the blog!
How dangerous is it to be a child inside the FLDS?
March 9, 2013
Warren Jeffs
Scrambled Eggs
Apple Sauce
FLDS Children
Warren Jeffs
Grilled Pork Roll
Navy Beans
Sweet Potatoes
FLDS Children
Warren Jeffs
Braised Beef Noodles
Northern Beans
FLDS Children
Welcome to Day 7 of the AAAP Bean Fast, which we have launched as a prayer and fasting project to stand in solidarity with the children of the FLDS. These children have been restricted to a diet consisting of beans and water for breakfast and dinner, for months now. This was done on the orders of their leader, Warren Steed Jeffs, who is serving a life sentence for the sexual assault of children here in Texas.
Thank you for watching our videos each day, participating in the bean fast, prayer and or contacting officials in the states of Utah and Arizona, and asking them to please do something to protect the children.
The Utah AG's contact information here:
The Arizona AG's email contact information here:
Please share this information on your social networking sites.
Thank you, and G-d bless you!
How dangerous is it to be a child inside the FLDS?
Here are some links to information that can help you make that decision for yourself:
The FLDS Cemetery:
FLDS children recorded as accidentally run over:
FLDS Child Training Materials:
By the way, Eph's father, pictured in this training manual, is now serving time in a Texas prison for the sexual assault of a minor child.
Documentation Polygamy forces women and children into poverty:
Friday, March 8, 2013
Bean Fast Day 6
I'm grumpy today and the video proves it. I cannot imagine this diet for another week, let alone six months like the children trapped inside the FLDS compounds across America. I'm getting frequent headaches, I'm tired and my thought processes are quite dull.
March 8, 2013
Warren Jeffs
Sliced Apples
Scrambled Eggs
FLDS Children
This is a picture of the FLDS ritual rape bed found by Texas Rangers inside the "temple" on the YFZ Ranch in 2008. For more information about this rape bed, please see today's video blog.
Warren Jeffs
Burrito Casserole
Refried Beans
Spanish Rice
Mexican Corn
FLDS Children
Warren Jeffs
Pork Fried Rice
Navy Beans
Green Beans
Sliced Bread
FLDS Children
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Bean Fast Day 5
Thanks to the tax payers it looks like Warren is enjoying another fine breakfast this morning in the cell of the Poweledge Unit in Palestine, while the children of the FLDS have nothing again but beans and water.
By the way, did you know that most FLDS families are on the SNAP [food stamp] program? That means that even though taxpayer dollars are funding hundreds of dollars of food for these children every month, their parents, following the orders of Warren Jeffs, are feeding them just pennies worth of the assistance that's actually provided to them. The SNAP program is designed to ensure no child goes hungry or lacks proper nutrition. That's exactly what it's for! How do you feel about Americans who take such assistance and still refuse to properly feed their children with it?
March 7, 2013
Warren Jeffs
Breakfast Drink
Scrambled Eggs
FLDS Children
Corn Dogs [2]
Navy Beans
Green Beans
French Fries
FLDS Children
Warren Jeffs
Cold Cuts
Pinto Beans
Sliced bread
FLDS Children
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Bean Fast Day 4
March 6, 2013
Warren Jeffs
Scrambled Eggs
Mixed Fruit
Breakfast Drink
FLDS Children
Warren Jeffs
Baked Sausage Link
Pinto Beans
Steamed Rice
Sweet Potatoes
Peanut Butter Bars
FLDS Children
Baked Sausage Link
Pinto Beans
Steamed Rice
Sweet Potatoes
Peanut Butter Bars
FLDS Children
Warren Jeffs
Northern Beans
Mashed Potatoes
Northern Beans
Mashed Potatoes
FLDS Children
"Also, it was reported that
Warren Jeffs has banned oatmeal,
corn, turnips and dairy products,
but sources are not sure why."
Warren Jeffs has banned oatmeal,
corn, turnips and dairy products,
but sources are not sure why."
Welcome to Day 4 of the AAAP Bean Fast, which we have launched as a prayer and fasting project to stand in solidarity with the children of the FLDS. These children have been restricted to a diet consisting of beans and water for breakfast and dinner, for months now. This was done on the orders of their leader, Warren Steed Jeffs, who is serving a life sentence for the sexual assault of children here in Texas.
Please join us by watching our videos each day, participating in the bean fast, prayer and or contacting officials in the states of Utah and Arizona, asking them to please do something to protect the children.
The Utah AG's contact information here:
The Arizona AG's email contact information here:
Please share this information on your social networking sites.
Thank you, and G-d bless you!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Bean Fast Day 3 March 5, 2013
Visit us on YouTube as well:
Warren Jeffs'
Breakfast today:
Scrambled Eggs
The Children of the FLDS
Breakfast today:
Beans & Water
Warren Jeffs
Lunch Today:
Navy Beans
Creamed Potatoes
Green Beans
Sliced Bread
The Children of the FLDS
Lunch today:
Warren Jeffs'
Dinner today:
Scrambled Eggs
Diced Potatoes
Apple Sauce
Breakfast Drink
The Children of the FLDS
Dinner today:
Beans & Water
Monday, March 4, 2013
The Bean Fast Day 2
For those of you following our Bean Fast information, here is what Warren Steed Jeffs has had to eat so far today in his Texas prison cell:
March 4th, 2013
Scrambled Eggs
Dry Cereal
Scrambled Eggs
Dry Cereal
Grilled Beef Roll
Country Gravy
Pinto Beans
Steamed Rice
Grilled Beef Roll
Country Gravy
Pinto Beans
Steamed Rice
Here is what so far hundreds of children in the FLDS have had to eat today, per his orders:
Beans & Water
Beef Noodle Casserole
Navy Beans
Green Beans
FLDS children
Beans & Water
Beef Noodle Casserole
Navy Beans
Green Beans
FLDS children
Beans & Water
Also, my fiend and long time AAAP supporter, Carol L. Douglas pointed out today that the only media outlet we know of that has reported on these dangerous dietary conditions inside the FLDS for children is the Daily Mail in England. You can read their coverage here:
Please consider not only joining our Bean Fast as an act of solidarity with the innocent children trapped inside the FLDS polygamist cult, and praying for them but also taking action.
Things you can do:
- Join us in the Bean Fast, for one meal or the whole week, and let people know what you're doing and why.
- Share this blog and the information in it with your friends and family by email and social networking.
- Ask everyone you know to share it too!
- Contact the Arizona Attorney General, Tom Horne and politely ask him to DO SOMETHING to help protect these children.
- Contact the Utah Attorney General and make the same request, "Please do something to protect the children."
Sunday, March 3, 2013
The Bean Fast: Breakfast Day 1
I'd like to invite you to join me this week in a solidarity fast for the children of the FLDS. The FLDS is a fundamentalist Mormon group run by Warren Steed Jeffs, who was convicted here in Texas of the sexual assault of children. The FLDS practices polygamy, which is a recognized human rights abuse of women and children, worldwide.
Jeffs has ordered his estimated 10,000 followers to restrict their children to a diet of beans and water twice a day. That's it. That's what they get, beans and water, twice a day. Even the youngest toddlers are on this "diet." There is no milk, no cheese, no meat or fruit, no sugar, no vegetables, no grains-nothing but beans and water. Their parents are still allowed to eat other foods but the children get nothing but beans and water. Remember, even though many members of the FLDS are very poor thanks to the practice of polygamy, which has been proven to cause poverty, that's not why these children are eating nothing but beans and water. They are restricted to beans and water because that's what their beloved leader Warren Jeffs, who they believe is a prophet, has ordered from his prison cell here in Texas. They are following his orders.
Virtually every last family with children in the FLDS is on food stamp assistance, but the children are still being deprived of real food. Instead, all food is bought and then turned over to the community's "storehouse" and redistributed by FLDS leaders, as they see fit.
In preparation for this project I have obtained a copy of the menu served to prisoners this week in the Poweledge Unit, in Palestine, Texas where Jeffs is serving his life - 99 plus 20 year- sentence for his crimes against children. Even though he is serving life in prison, he is still controlling the members of the FLDS from behind bars, right from his cell, just like any other two bit crime boss.
Starting today I will post the meals that are being delivered to his solitary cell, three times each day, so you can see for yourself what Warren Jeffs has available to eat, compared to what the children of the FLDS in Colorado City, Arizona and Hildale, Utah are being given to eat.
My purpose here is two-fold. First, as an act of solidarity with the children I will be restricting my own diet to theirs. I will have beans and water for breakfast and dinner each day, all week. I will be using this exercise as a reminder to pray for the children of the FLDS and for the leaders in Mohave County, Arizona and Washington County, Utah. I will be praying that they will be moved to finally have mercy on these children and to do something to protect them from parents who are obviously unfit.
The second goal of this project is to ask others to join me in the Bean Fast this week, for a meal, for a day or as long as they feel personally led to participate. I hope others who are participating will drop by and leave a comment or two during the Bean Fast this week. But most of all I hope they will share this post with their friends and family by email or on their social networking sites, so that more people will become aware of exactly what is happening to the children of the FLDS polygamist community. I hope it will lead them to contact officials in Arizona and Utah to ask them to follow up on this abuse.
When I contacted a nutritionist this week to ask their opinion of such a diet for children, this was their professional opinion:
"This would be very concerning. Such an extreme restricted diet would lead... to serious nutritional deficiencies in an adult let alone a child. Eating a single food item is never going to meet the nutritional needs of a growing child. Deficiencies over time can lead to a variety of medical conditions and seriously compromise the health of the child. With the exception of people living in a 3rd world country and experiencing a famine, there is no reason why anyone should raise their child on such a diet."
Sunday March 3, 2013
Warren Jeffs FLDS Children
Breakfast Breakfast
Pancakes Beans
Syrup Water
Scrambled Eggs
Warren Jeffs FLDS Children
Lunch Lunch
Grilled Ham Steak Nothing
Navy Beans
Sweet potatoes
Mixed vegetables
Corn Bread
Dinner Dinner
Barbeque Chopped Beef Beans & Water
Dill Pickles
Pinto beans
Peas & Carrots
Cream potatoes
Sliced Bread
Monday, February 4, 2013
Ruby Jessop Is Free
Ruby's story:
This is Ruby Jessop and 5 of her 6 children, along with her big sister Flora. This is what freedom in America looks like. Ernie, third from the right, was celebrating his sixth birthday the night this was taken. We had a special spaghetti dinner to mark the occasion.
Most of that day was spent unloading and sorting a lot of toys and clothes, which were delivered by trailer by a Girl Scout Troop and a women's bible study group.
Ruby is starting out with nothing but her children, a van, which is registered to her husband and he has handed the title over to the FLDS Church, and the clothes on their backs.
It's hard for me, on a personal level, to describe what this moment means for me. I know not everyone knows Flora and Ruby's story, so maybe I should recap a few details.
My friend Flora escaped the polygamist town of Colorado City, Arizona in Mohave County, when she was 16 years old. On the day she left, her baby sister Ruby was born. Flora managed for years to stay in some sort of contact with her family, even though things were very tense between them all. Until Warren Steed Jeffs took control of the FLDS, Flora managed to keep that contact, tenuous as it was at times. As Ruby grew up, she looked up to her big sister Flora who had broken all the rules and run away.
When the day came when Ruby was "placed" into a marriage with her second cousin by Warren Jeffs, she was only 14-years-old. Ruby didn't like her cousin and didn't want to be married. She dreamed of getting an education and someday becoming a nurse. That's, at 14, what Ruby wanted for herself.
Instead, she was forced to marry her cousin, and Warren Jeffs himself performed the ceremony. Ruby was brutally accosted on her wedding night. She bled for days afterward. She wanted out. Ruby managed to get out of Colorado City and to contact Flora to tell her what was happening to her. She told her she didn't want to be married and didn't want to go back. Flora was hours away from Ruby and told her she would get to her as fast as she could. But she was too late.
Ruby, unfortunately, was taken into custody by Utah CPS. The case workers immediately contacted Ruby's parents in Colorado City, who arrived with back up. Instead of interviewing Ruby separately from her captors, she was interviewed in their presence, where she agreed with them that there was 'nothing wrong at home' and agreed to go back with them.
By the time Flora got down there, Ruby was gone. When she demanded that authorities get Ruby back for a proper interview, the Town Marshal's Office told Mohave County officials that Ruby was "on a vacation with her family," and that is why she could not be found. They did though assure those Mohave County officials that Ruby had been accounted for, was perfectly safe, and nothing at all was wrong. Flora instead of being rightfully portrayed as a concerned family member who was attempting to keep a promise to her baby sister that she would do everything in her power to save her from the FLDS and keep her safe, was according to the authorities in Colorado City, just a crazy bitter woman with an axe to grind, nothing more. The whole community screamed that Flora's inquiries were nothing but , "religious persecution," because they were a polygamous community.
I'd like now to draw attention to two similar cases to Ruby's, the most striking of which is the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping. Elizabeth came from a normal middle class Mormon home, where a sociopathic polygamist named Brian David Mitchell kidnapped her in 2002 one night from her bedroom. In testimony later given to the court, a police officer who confronted Mitchell, his wife and Smart in a public library in Salt Lake City [after a tip that someone recognized the girl as Smart], testified that he did not have the right to demand Elizabeth Smart remove the veil covering her face, because it would have been a violation of her Civil Rights, since her captor, Mitchell said she and his wife were wearing the garb for "religious reasons." Again, so that a predator could rape a child, civil and religious rights were demanded. Thanks to the authorities blind subservience to the idea that polygamy and the subjugation of women is somehow a "religious right," a child was left in the clutches of a rapist. Such is the idea of liberty in Utah and parts of Arizona where Mormonism is the norm. "Richey said Mitchell also told him their religion, which he didn’t specify, didn’t allow the women to speak in public."
The other pertinent case is that of Jaycee Dugard. Kidnapped at the age of 11 by a man who already had a wife, he and his accomplice managed to manipulate and control Jaycee for 18 years. In an interview after her rescue, Jaycee described what she did in order to survive the ordeal: "Jaycee describes in great detail what she did in order to survive. She adapted. She learned not to talk back to her kidnapper, not to suggest anything or ask for anything. She learned to be extremely compliant. Her ability to be compliant for 18 years was the key to her survival. And yet she now understands that her compliance may not have always been the best approach to all situations."
In both of these other cases there was one, count them, exactly one accomplice to the imprisonment of these children for the purposes of sex with older men, the men's wives.
STOP! Now, imagine a child born into a sex cult that owns an entire town, and the hundreds or thousands of willing accomplices to keeping that child, even if she wanted to run away, inside the imprisonment and sex enslavement to "a religion."
The difference in these girl's situations was aptly pointed out by Jon Krakauer in his book published in 2004, "Under the Banner of Heaven." Excerpt from "Under the Banner of Heaven" by Jon Krakauer Flora Jessop is extremely relieved that Elizabeth Smart was discovered alive and thinks the outpouring of support Elizabeth has received is wonderful. But in Jessop’s view it underscores the disturbing absence of support for another young victim of polygamy—her sister, Ruby Jessop--whose
![]() Ruby Jessop |
Ruby was fourteen years old when she was observed innocently kissing a boy she fancied in Colorado City. For this unforgivable sin she was immediately forced to marry an older member of her extended family, whom she despised, in a fundamentalist ceremony presided over by Warren Jeffs. Like Elizabeth, Ruby was raped immediately after the wedding ceremony---so brutally that she spent her “wedding night” hemorrhaging copious amounts of blood. Unlike Elizabeth, however, Ruby attempted to flee her coerced marriage, running to the home of a sympathetic brother where she thought she would find refuge. Lured away from her brother’s house by false promises, in May 2001 Ruby was allegedly abducted by members of the FLDS Church and brought to the home of her stepfather, Fred Jessop, second councilor to the prophet—the same house where Flora Jessop had been confined seventeen years earlier.
Antipolygamy activist Lorna Craig, a colleague of Flora Jessop’s, is baffled and outraged by Utah’s indifferent treatment of Ruby—especially when compared to the colossal effort the state mustered to rescue Elizabeth Smart and prosecute her abductors. Craig notes that both Elizabeth and Ruby were fourteen when they were kidnapped, raped, and “kept captive by polygamous fanatics.” The main difference in the girls’ respective ordeals, she says, is that “Elizabeth was brainwashed for nine months,” while Ruby had been brainwashed by polygamous fanatics “since birth.” Despite the similarity of their plights, Elizabeth’s abusers were jailed and charged with sexual assault, aggravated burglary, and aggravated kidnapping, while Ruby, says Craig, “Was returned to her abusers, no real investigation was done, no charges were brought against anyone involved.”
The dissimilar outcomes are attributable, in Craig’s view, to the fact that Ruby Jessop was born into a polygamous community that has been allowed to break state and federal laws with impunity for many decades. Craig points out that because the mayor, the police, and the judge in Colorado City—Hildale are themselves polygamists who are absolutely obedient to the prophet, there is “nowhere for victims of abuse to turn. . . . I would say that teaching a girl that her salvation depends on her having sexual relations with a married man is inherently destructive.” Such relationships, Craig argues bitterly, should be considered “a crime, not a religion.”
So, here is my question. Ruby is finally FREE! She says she wanted out, ALWAYS wanted out! If Jaycee Dugard was entitled to a $20 million settlement from the state of California for its inept handling of the case of her sexual predator/captor, exactly how much do you think the state of Utah owes to Ruby Jessop and her children?
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Dear friends and supporters of the AAAP's efforts to shine the light on the abuses inherent in the practice of polygamy, both here and around the globe, we need your help!
Late last week, Mohave County Supervisor Buster Johnson released a press release with Flora Jessop, American Polygamy Survivor and founder and executive director of the Child Protection Project. This press release revealed that a Mohave County judge, in tandem with Arizona CPS has sent a boy from Lake Havasu City, Arizona to be fostered, and possibly adopted by a single man, formerly a member of the FLDS, in Colorado City, AZ.
For this judge or CPS to send a child into such a community, one under investigation and indictment of the U.S. Department of Justice, and with a long history of abuse and neglect of children is, we believe, unconscionable. If after reading the letter below, you agree that Colorado City is not a place the government should be sending any child, please ACT!
Please consider adding your endorsement to a letter we are sending to this judge. Please share this appeal with your friends by email or on your social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, My Space, Tumbler, whatever you use.
This is urgent and we do not have much time to help prevent this boy and others from being sent to Colorado City.
Dear Presiding Judge Charles Gurtler,
It has come to the attention of Americans Against Abuses of Polygamy (AAAP) and other organizations and individuals involved in the long battle against the worldwide human rights abuse of polygamy, that you have recently approved the transfer of at least one male child, and possibly more, into the care of an individual by the name of Dan Wayman in Colorado City, for the purposes of foster care and possibly permanent adoption.
Members of the AAAP wish to express our objection to sending any child to the community of Colorado City, Arizona, infamous for flaunting the felony crime and human rights abuse of polygamy. Colorado City is comprised of a population virtually 100% loyal to the cult leader and convicted child predator, Warren Steed Jeffs.
The AAAP and other concerned individuals and organizations, both domestic and international, would like to know to what extent your Honor is aware of the following situations:
1. Colorado City law enforcement is currently the subject of an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for blatant civil rights violations of its citizens. The complaint alleges discrimination based on religion in violation of the Fair Housing Act, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and Title III of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
2. In the last 15 year period, even though the population of Colorado City is well over 5,000 people, Mohave County prosecutors have failed to prosecute a single solitary case of domestic violence in the city. This means, your Honor, either domestic violence is literally nonexistent in Colorado City or community members leaders, including elected officials and law enforcement, have successfully conspired to conceal all incidences of domestic violence in Colorado City for almost two decades.
3. There are documented, multiple, unmarked children's graves in the Short Creek polygamous community, and the Mohave County Medical Examiner has never conducted an autopsy on any child's body, even when unusual circumstances, such as poisoning, were present or when presented the highly irregular accident statistics for children in the community. For instance, in a community of less than 6,000 people, the same number of toddlers who died in "back over" car accidents in the state of Connecticut with a population of more than 3 million people, was achieved by the Short Creek community in the same time period. However, in Short Creek, local law enforcement "signed off" on the accidental deaths, and no further investigation was ever performed. For many years in Colorado City, town leaders were provided stacks of pre-signed death certificates, which were never independently investigated by the county, the state or anyone else. The community's cemetery, as it turns out, is comprised of 50% children's bodies. In over seven years of research, activists have never been able to document the same phenomenon in any other cemetery in America.
4. The law enforcement of the community regularly enforces, not the law of the land, but the dictates of Warren Jeffs, who is currently serving a life sentence for the sexual assault of female children in Texas.
5. The entire community of Colorado City is comprised of adults openly practicing a felony crime, and raising children to believe they will suffer Hell for eternity unless they also grow up to commit the felony crime.
6. The community is notorious for the exploitation of child labor and child abandonment, especially of male children.
7. Current evidence in the hands of the Canadian authorities including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as well as the Texas Rangers and the Texas Attorney General, indicates the Colorado City community has been repeatedly utilized as a hub for the international human trafficking of children for the purpose of their sexual exploitation.
8. Dan Wayman, to whom you are sending children in Colorado City, has been the subject of more than one court order of protection involving his own children in the past.
9. Boys who have been sent by Arizona CPS to Mr. Wayman's custody for foster care say they were locked, by outside key, into their room. Children sent to Mr. Wayman have described him as "creepy."
10. Court Appointed Special Advocates for these boys have recommended that their best interests would not be served by warehousing them inside such a dysfunctional and remote community as Colorado City.
Members of Americans Against Abuses of Polygamy, as well as numerous other human rights organizations, ministries, survivors of polygamy and concerned individuals, respectfully ask you to revisit and reverse your decision to send already at-risk children into another potentially dangerous situation of neglect and abuse. Those children are effectively being banished to a community infamous for unchecked and egregious crimes against children.
K. Dee Ignatin
Americans Against Abuses of Polygamy
Executive Director
Please add your voice today, to let this judge know that the world is watching what he does with vulnerable children. To lend your endorsement to this letter, and stand with the AAAP, please send an email to with your e-endorsement. An example follows:
Jane K. Doe
American Polygamy Survivor [Any title or credential you want to include]
2933 W. Lydius St.
New York, NY 12345-6789
(555) 512-0000
A brief statement can be included below such as
“I wholeheartedly endorse the opposing stance of the group Americans Against the Abuses of Polygamy regarding sending foster children to this enclave of polygamy, child sexual and physical abuse, and forced labor of minors.”
Late last week, Mohave County Supervisor Buster Johnson released a press release with Flora Jessop, American Polygamy Survivor and founder and executive director of the Child Protection Project. This press release revealed that a Mohave County judge, in tandem with Arizona CPS has sent a boy from Lake Havasu City, Arizona to be fostered, and possibly adopted by a single man, formerly a member of the FLDS, in Colorado City, AZ.
For this judge or CPS to send a child into such a community, one under investigation and indictment of the U.S. Department of Justice, and with a long history of abuse and neglect of children is, we believe, unconscionable. If after reading the letter below, you agree that Colorado City is not a place the government should be sending any child, please ACT!
Please consider adding your endorsement to a letter we are sending to this judge. Please share this appeal with your friends by email or on your social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, My Space, Tumbler, whatever you use.
This is urgent and we do not have much time to help prevent this boy and others from being sent to Colorado City.
Dear Presiding Judge Charles Gurtler,
It has come to the attention of Americans Against Abuses of Polygamy (AAAP) and other organizations and individuals involved in the long battle against the worldwide human rights abuse of polygamy, that you have recently approved the transfer of at least one male child, and possibly more, into the care of an individual by the name of Dan Wayman in Colorado City, for the purposes of foster care and possibly permanent adoption.
Members of the AAAP wish to express our objection to sending any child to the community of Colorado City, Arizona, infamous for flaunting the felony crime and human rights abuse of polygamy. Colorado City is comprised of a population virtually 100% loyal to the cult leader and convicted child predator, Warren Steed Jeffs.
The AAAP and other concerned individuals and organizations, both domestic and international, would like to know to what extent your Honor is aware of the following situations:
1. Colorado City law enforcement is currently the subject of an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for blatant civil rights violations of its citizens. The complaint alleges discrimination based on religion in violation of the Fair Housing Act, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and Title III of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
2. In the last 15 year period, even though the population of Colorado City is well over 5,000 people, Mohave County prosecutors have failed to prosecute a single solitary case of domestic violence in the city. This means, your Honor, either domestic violence is literally nonexistent in Colorado City or community members leaders, including elected officials and law enforcement, have successfully conspired to conceal all incidences of domestic violence in Colorado City for almost two decades.
3. There are documented, multiple, unmarked children's graves in the Short Creek polygamous community, and the Mohave County Medical Examiner has never conducted an autopsy on any child's body, even when unusual circumstances, such as poisoning, were present or when presented the highly irregular accident statistics for children in the community. For instance, in a community of less than 6,000 people, the same number of toddlers who died in "back over" car accidents in the state of Connecticut with a population of more than 3 million people, was achieved by the Short Creek community in the same time period. However, in Short Creek, local law enforcement "signed off" on the accidental deaths, and no further investigation was ever performed. For many years in Colorado City, town leaders were provided stacks of pre-signed death certificates, which were never independently investigated by the county, the state or anyone else. The community's cemetery, as it turns out, is comprised of 50% children's bodies. In over seven years of research, activists have never been able to document the same phenomenon in any other cemetery in America.
4. The law enforcement of the community regularly enforces, not the law of the land, but the dictates of Warren Jeffs, who is currently serving a life sentence for the sexual assault of female children in Texas.
5. The entire community of Colorado City is comprised of adults openly practicing a felony crime, and raising children to believe they will suffer Hell for eternity unless they also grow up to commit the felony crime.
6. The community is notorious for the exploitation of child labor and child abandonment, especially of male children.
7. Current evidence in the hands of the Canadian authorities including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as well as the Texas Rangers and the Texas Attorney General, indicates the Colorado City community has been repeatedly utilized as a hub for the international human trafficking of children for the purpose of their sexual exploitation.
8. Dan Wayman, to whom you are sending children in Colorado City, has been the subject of more than one court order of protection involving his own children in the past.
9. Boys who have been sent by Arizona CPS to Mr. Wayman's custody for foster care say they were locked, by outside key, into their room. Children sent to Mr. Wayman have described him as "creepy."
10. Court Appointed Special Advocates for these boys have recommended that their best interests would not be served by warehousing them inside such a dysfunctional and remote community as Colorado City.
Members of Americans Against Abuses of Polygamy, as well as numerous other human rights organizations, ministries, survivors of polygamy and concerned individuals, respectfully ask you to revisit and reverse your decision to send already at-risk children into another potentially dangerous situation of neglect and abuse. Those children are effectively being banished to a community infamous for unchecked and egregious crimes against children.
K. Dee Ignatin
Americans Against Abuses of Polygamy
Executive Director
Please add your voice today, to let this judge know that the world is watching what he does with vulnerable children. To lend your endorsement to this letter, and stand with the AAAP, please send an email to with your e-endorsement. An example follows:
Jane K. Doe
American Polygamy Survivor [Any title or credential you want to include]
2933 W. Lydius St.
New York, NY 12345-6789
(555) 512-0000
A brief statement can be included below such as
“I wholeheartedly endorse the opposing stance of the group Americans Against the Abuses of Polygamy regarding sending foster children to this enclave of polygamy, child sexual and physical abuse, and forced labor of minors.”
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