Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Sound of Silence

Do you hear that? It is the sound of silence. It is a deafening silence. It is the sound of corruption in Mohave County, Arizona. Here is a link to the only story published online about the outcome of a three year old case involving the misuse of public funds by officials in Colorado City, Arizona, all members of the FLDS. The only coverage was in the San Angelo Standard Times this week. You see, no one in Mohave County or in Utah cares. Nobody else cares about the corruption up there.

Here is a link to the blog post I made months after the crimes were revealed to the public in 2010. It includes a list of items bought using the fire district funds. Please look at it. It includes items like diapers, chocolate, hams and bedding. Yet there is no kitchen and no sleeping quarters in the volunteer fire department. I assume there are no babies there either. Tax preparation software is on the list but fire districts don't pay taxes, they collect them!

Where are the feds? How can these men continue to get away with this? Let me ask a simple question of anyone reading this right now: If your city manager or other public official stole tens of thousands of dollars from the funds designated for the operation of your city's fire department, do you really believe the investigation would last three years and result in dropping the charges from felony to misdemeanors and probation for the culprit?

I said three years ago that they would drag this out for a long time and nothing would ever come of it, not because there was no crime but because the prosecutors and the judges in Mohave County are corrupt to the polygamists.

I still hear nothing but crickets, how about you?